Get ready for some epic astronomy events in 2025! The 2025 night sky calendar is packed with cool celestial events that you won’t want to miss! We'll be treated to everything from stunning meteor showers and planetary conjunctions to comets, and lunar and solar eclipses. Comet C/2024 G3 reaches perihelion in early January, and it is expected to be naked-eye visible. The first lunar eclipse of the year occurs in March, which is followed by a partial solar eclipse. The year ends on a high with the last full Moon in December being a supermoon, and the final meteor shower, the Geminids, expected to put on a great show.
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3 January: Quadrantids Meteor Shower peaks.
3 January: Conjunction of Venus and the Moon.
5 January: Lunar occultation of Saturn. Visible from parts of Europe, Africa, western Russia, and eastern Greenland. A conjunction of the pair will be more broadly visible elsewhere.
10 January: Venus at Greatest Eastern Elongation.
13 January: C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) reaches perihelion. Visible in the southern hemisphere before and after perihelion. Around perihelion, it might be visible in the daytime sky in the northern hemisphere. Expected magnitude -1.9.
14 January: Full Moon (Wolf Moon).
14 January: Lunar occultation of Mars. Visible from the Americas and Africa. A conjunction of the pair will be more broadly visible elsewhere.
16 January: Mars at Opposition.
18 January: Conjunction of Venus and Saturn.
25 January: Lunar occultation of Antares. Visible from countries and territories including Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius and Reunion amongst others.
29 January: New Moon.
1-2 February: Close approach of the Moon, Saturn, and Venus. A lunar occultation of Saturn is visible from western Russia.
6 February: Close approach M45 and the Moon.
8 February: Alpha Centaurids Meteor Shower peaks.
9 February: Conjunction of Mars and the Moon.
12 February: Full Moon, Hunger Moon.
28 February: New Moon.
6 March: Conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon.
8 March: Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation.
9 March: Conjunction of Mars and the Moon.
14 March: Full Moon, Blood Moon.
14 March: Total lunar eclipse. Visible in North and South America. A partial eclipse is visible in parts of the Pacific and Australia, the Americas, Western Europe, and Western Africa. More information.
20 March: March Equinox.
29 March: New Moon.
29 March: Partial Solar Eclipse. Visible throughout Greenland and most of northern Europe and northern Russia, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, the Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean. More information.
5 April: Close encounter of Mars and the Moon.
8 April: Conjunction of Venus, Saturn, and Mercury.
13 April: Full Moon.
21 April: Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation.
22-23 April: Lyrids Meteor Shower peaks.
25-26 April: Conjunction of the Moon, Venus, Saturn and Mercury.
28 April: New Moon.
4 May: Conjunction Mars and the Moon.
6-7 May: Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower peaks.
13 May: Full Moon.
23 May: Conjunction of Saturn and the Moon.
24 May: Conjunction of Venus and the Moon.
28 May: New Moon.
31 May: Venus at Greatest Western Elongation.
1 June: Conjunction Mars and the Moon.
10 June: Lunar occultation of Antares and the Moon. Visible from countries and territories including Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia amongst others.
11 June: Full Moon.
19 June: Conjunction of Saturn and the Moon.
21 June: June Solstice.
22 June: Close encounter of Venus and the Moon.
25 June: New Moon.
30 June: Conjunction of the Moon and Mars. A lunar occultation is visible from western Peru, Ecuador, western Colombia and Clipperton Island.
4 July: Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation.
8 July: Venus near M45.
11 July: Full Moon, Hay Moon.
16 July: Close encounter of Saturn and the Moon.
25 July: New Moon.
28-29 July: Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower peaks.
30 July: Alpha Capricornids Meteor Shower Peaks.
9 August: Full Moon, Green Corn Moon.
11-14 August: Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus.
12 August: Conjunction of Saturn and the Moon.
12-13 August: Perseids Meteor Shower peaks.
19 August: Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation.
23 August: New Moon.
7 September: Full Moon, Harvest Moon.
7 September: Total Lunar Eclipse. Visible to parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.
8 September: Conjunction of Saturn and the Moon.
17 September: Close approach of Jupiter and the Moon.
19 September: Close approach of Venus and the Moon.
21 September: Saturn at Opposition.
22 September: New Moon.
22 September: Partial Solar Eclipse. Visible in parts of New Zealand, Australia, Antarctica, the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean. More information.
23 September: September Equinox.
23 September: Neptune at Opposition.
5 October: Conjunction of Saturn and the Moon.
7 October: Full Moon, Hunter's Moon (Supermoon).
7 October: Draconids Meteor Shower peaks.
14 October: Conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon.
21 October: New Moon.
21-22 October: Orionids Meteor Shower peaks.
29 October: Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation.
2 November: Conjunction of Saturn and the Moon.
4-5 November: Taurids Meteor Shower peaks.
5 November: Full Moon, Beaver Moon, (Supermoon).
10-11 November: Conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon.
12 November: Conjunction of Mars, Mercury, and Antares.
17-18 November: Leonids Meteor Shower peaks.
20 November: New Moon.
21 November: Uranus at Opposition.
21 November: Lunar occultation of Antares.
29 November: Conjunction of Saturn and the Moon.
4 December: Full Moon, Cold Moon (Supermoon).
7 December: Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation.
7-8 December: Conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon
13-14 December: Geminids Meteor Shower.
20 December: New Moon.
22 December: December Solstice.
21-22 December: Ursids Meteor Shower.
All dates are based on UTC converted to AEST. Check your local time and conditions.