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4 days ago3 min read
Pixinsight: Pixel Math combinations
There are many sources available that cover SHO, HOO, and HSO channel combinations within Pixel Math. Some of the combinations have not...

Nov 3, 20245 min read
Advanced Astrophotography Techniques for Smartphone Users
Smartphone cameras have come a long way. Thanks to advances in sensor sensitivity and software, you can now capture incredible shots of...

Nov 3, 20246 min read
Can You Image the Milky Way with a Smartphone?
There’s an undeniable thrill in capturing the Milky Way. It’s like a cosmic high-five, a way of saying, “Look, Universe, I see you!” But...

May 3, 20245 min read
Photographing meteor showers: A step-by-step guide
Dive into the technical aspects of photographing meteor showers using a digital camera. From equipment to camera settings.

Mar 24, 20246 min read
Solar eclipses: How to safely view or photograph using solar glasses, filters and more
Every so often, the universe treats us to amazing astronomical events such as meteor storms, comets and lunar eclipses. But the most...

Dec 28, 20235 min read
An introduction to back focus for beginners to astrophotography
Backfocus. It's a term you've probably heard of. But what is it, why does it matter, and how do you set it correctly for your equipment?

Oct 20, 202310 min read
How to take photos of the night sky using your digital camera
How to choose the best camera settings and lenses, compose your shot, and process your images.

Sep 3, 20237 min read
How to Polar Align a Tracking Mount in the Southern Hemisphere
Polar alignment is a process of aligning the axis of an equatorial mount with the south celestial pole (SCP), which is the point in the sky

Aug 17, 20234 min read
How to measure distances of objects in the night sky with your fingers and hands
Have you ever wondered how big the moon is, or how far apart the stars are? If you are a stargazer, you might be curious about the size...

Apr 7, 20223 min read
German Equatorial Mounts: What you need to know!
Computerised German equatorial mounts (GEM) are used to track the night sky. They do this by moving on an axis, parallel to the axis of...
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